Pinicola enucleator
Pine Grosbeak, Tallbit, Krognęb

A young male Pine Grosbeak ( Pinicola enucleator ) is picking seeds out of the dirt on a cyclist path round Utterslev Mose in the outskirts of Copenhagen on a sunny Monday Morning November 8th 2004. Pine Grosbeaks are seldom seen in Denmark. Eight years have passed since it was observed here in larger numbers.

If more birds behaved like this one it would be a different job photographing them. More folks than I had brought the long lenses to Utterslev Mose this Monday to shoot pictures of this guest from the Taiga. Hard core twitchers left home in a hurry bringing the usual long lens, forgetting about the shorter ones.
It appeared that this young Pine Grosbeak was not afraid of humans. Not afraid of the passers by, with or without binoculars, nor was it scared by cyclists, prams, dogs or anything else following the daily routine on that path and, for a period of three days, everybody that wanted to could go there and find he bird in the same place within the same 25 square meters and have a real close look. Sit down for a while, and have a real wild life bird within reach, literally speaking.
I had to stop photographing while the bird passed under my Canon 300 mm.

ed. 2004.11.08

I had to stop photographing while the bird passed under my Canon 300 mm.

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